It’s election day in the United States and that can bring with it all kinds of feelings, from excitement at the opportunity to exercise your democratic franchise to anxiety, fear, or anger about the outcome, no matter where you live.
Whatever you’re feeling, we hope you make room for kindness—toward all those you encounter today and most especially toward yourself. Whatever you may be dealing with, in addition to the natural uncertainty about the future any election brings, may you extend grace to yourself today, and to those you meet.
Here are some simple mindfulness practices to help you through the day.
Mindful Practices for Election Day
1) Return to your breath in moments of stress: The deepest healing occurs when you come to terms with the way things are. This simple awareness of breath practice is an act of self-love and compassion for the moment we find ourselves in.
2) Create space for difficult thoughts: Try this simple four-minute mindfulness practice from Rhonda Magee to find calm when difficult moments arise.
3) Remember we’re all connected: Mirabai Bush offers this “Just Like Me” practice for increasing compassion. It helps us to remember what we share as human beings.
We’re all in this together.
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8 Questions That Can Help Ease Election Anxiety
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An Election Day Meditation
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A 15-Minute Meditation for Patience and Resolve
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