Dr. B Grace Bullock is a psychologist, organizational consultant, research scientist, educator, author and motivational speaker. She has spent the past two decades teaching and studying physiological and psychological interventions that foster resilience and support healthy relationships and systems, and is the author of the acclaimed book, Mindful Relationships: 7 Skills for Success - Integrating the science of mind, body & brain. Grace is Founder and Principal Consultant of the International Science & Education Alliance, a consulting firm devoted to the strategic planning, design, development, training and evaluation of mindfulness-informed offerings that promote personal, interpersonal and systemic wellbeing, effective leadership, decision-making and social change. An educator at heart, she teaches courses and workshops on mindfulness, interpersonal relationships, stress resilience, and clinical psychology and practice at colleges, universities, professional schools, school districts and organizations across the USA and internationally. For more information see www.bgracebullock.com.

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Mindfulness Improves Attention, Review Finds 

We often hear about gaining greater focus through mindfulness practice. A new research review sheds light on some of the nuances regarding how improvements in attention are measured. Read More 

  • B Grace Bullock PhD
  • September 30, 2021

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