Meena Srinivasan is a transformative leader, sought after speaker, and author in the fields of Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Wellness. She has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 25 years and is a South Asian-American edupreneur with deep expertise in the fields of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mindfulness in Education. Meena is the Founding Executive Director of Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL), an immersive yearlong fellowship for educational leaders committed to the power of inner transformation, collective impact, and becoming seeds of radical change in their communities. Prior to this role, Meena worked In partnership with the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for five and half years implementing SEL system-wide in the Oakland Unified School District. Meena has taught and led in public, private, urban, international schools and holds a Clear Administrative Services Credential in the state of California. She is the creator of the SEL Every Day online courses, author of Teach, Breathe, Learn: Mindfulness In and Out of the Classroom, SEL Every Day: Integrating SEL with Instruction in Secondary Classrooms which was chosen as one of 2019’s Favorite Books for Educators by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and Integrating SEL into Every Classroom Quick Reference Guide. She is a student of Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Thich Nhat Hanh, a contributor to two of his books on Mindfulness in Education and was recently featured in Educational Leadership Magazine on Mindful School Leadership. Learn more at
Image of a white door that stands open in the middle of a green wall. Through the open door is blue sky with a pink heart.

A 12-Minute Meditation to Cultivate an Open Heart 

During times of crisis and uncertainty, touching into your groundedness while remaining open can help you find calm—and inspire others to do the same. Meena Srinivasan offers a guided practice for staying both rooted and open. Read More

  • Meena Srinivasan

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