Researchers at the Adler School of Professional Pscyhology are exploring the relationship between mindfulness meditation practice and personal orientation.
Call for participants: mindfulness meditation study
The Adler School of Professional Psychology is conducting research on mindfulness meditation and personal orientation.
Personal orientation is a term used to describe and capture "an individual's level of ingration on the levels of thinking, feeling, and bodily response."
They are seeking both:
(including formal religious practitioners, non-religious practitioners, yoga practitioners, etc.)
They are seeking individuals (19 years of age or older) to fill out a demographic questionnaire and an anonymous, online survey, which includes two separate questionnaires – taking a total time of approximately 40 minutes to complete.
To participate, click here.
*This study is being conducted by Kaela Blahey for her thesis research in the Masters of Arts in Counselling program under the supervision of Larry Axelrod Ph. D.,(Dean-Vancouver Campus), Adler School of Professional Psychology. Suite 1200-1090 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7
T: 604-482-5510 F: 604-874-4634
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