Call for participants: mindfulness meditation study

The Adler School of Professional Psychology is conducting research on mindfulness meditation and personal orientation. 

Researchers at the Adler School of Professional Pscyhology are exploring the relationship between mindfulness meditation practice and personal orientation.

Personal orientation is a term used to describe and capture "an individual's level of ingration on the levels of thinking, feeling, and bodily response."
They are seeking both:
(including formal religious practitioners, non-religious practitioners, yoga practitioners, etc.) 
They are seeking individuals (19 years of age or older) to fill out a demographic questionnaire and an anonymous, online survey, which includes two separate questionnaires – taking a total time of approximately 40 minutes to complete.
To participate, click here. 
*This study is being conducted by Kaela Blahey for her thesis research in the Masters of Arts in Counselling program under the supervision of Larry Axelrod  Ph. D.,(Dean-Vancouver Campus), Adler School of Professional Psychology. Suite 1200-1090 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7
T: 604-482-5510  F: 604-874-4634
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