CCARE is hosting its inaugural Compassion and Technology Conference, in collaboration with Facebook and others, including HopeLab and the 1440 Foundation.
This one-day conference will take place at Stanford University on December 6, 2013 and will include talks by academic experts and tech industry leaders. It wiill also include a Compassion and Technology Contest where individuals who are chosen for their compassion-inspired technological designs will present and compete for best design idea before a panel of judges and the conference audience. (The three winning finalists are up for some excellent prizes. Contest applications closed in October.)
To learn more about the conference, click here. You can also join the Compassion and Technology Conference LinkedIN page to follow the latest developments. Or, if you want to learn more about mindfulness and technology, you may also be interested in reading “A Users Guide to Living Well in Screenworld” from the August issue of Mindful magazine. We talk to three tech insiders about how to make our gadgets work for us, and not the other way around.