Chicago Tribune publishes meditation tips

The Chicago Tribune has joined the ranks of Huffington Post, The Guardian, and the New York Times by publishing meditation teachings. 

Another nod from the mainstream media to the benefits of mindfulness meditation, this time from the Chicago Tribune

"How to meditate" featured seven tips on how to cultivate a daily meditation practice from Sharon Salzberg, co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Mass. 

Alexia Eljalde-Ruiz, author of the story, says the piece is part of a Tribune do-it-yourself series called "Life Skills." Other pieces in the series included how to be a better swimmer and how to apologize. 

Eljalde-Ruiz says there is no grand plan at the Tribune to continue writing about meditation practice. Indeed, the Tribune published a practice article two years ago, along with other papers publishing sparsely on the subject. But the recentTribune practice piece does highlight a growing trend in the news media: the mainstream press is beginning to converge around mindfulness meditation news. For instance, a recent study on mindfulness meditation and multitasking appeared in USA Todaythe Atlantic, and notably in a Fox News post online under the heading "Say 'Om:' Increase your paycheque with meditation. (Note: the study does not make a correlation between mindfulness meditation and financial success.)

Mindfulness and technology has also made its debut, with the New York Times reporting this week on Designing Calm, a graduate course at Standford's Institute of Design, and an article about how Silicon Valley leaders view themselves in relation to the high-stress associated with their devices. 

Huffington Post is arguably the heaviest hitter, publishing weekly meditation practice tips and maintaining a twitter account devoted to mindfulness.


[photo © 13]