Despite the government shutdown causing all non-essential federal agencies to cut back, Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) still invited fellow lawmakers and their staff to attend a mindful meditation session today led by Dr. John A. Ives, senior director of the Center for Brain, Mind, and Healing (BMH) at the Samueli Institute.
In an email, Ryan says:
“These bipartisan sessions offer congressional staffers the same opportunity that major corporations, the military, schools, veterans, hospitals, and winning professional sports teams offer their own organizations to make better decisions. This is the same approach many CEOs use, including Rupert Murdoch, have used to increase the success and productivity of their companies.”
To read the news story, click here. For more on Congressman Tim Ryan and his involvement with mindfulness, you might want to check out the June issue of Mindful magazine. Ryan’s work with mindfulness and politics is our feature story.
[Photo: still from On Mediation documentary]