What fuels our decision-making: willpower or emotions? Researchers at Northeastern University are trying to see how the latter pans out.
“It’s our view that humans posÂsess the capacity for emoÂtion because it serves adapÂtive purÂposes,” study author David DeSteno said. “That doesn’t mean that someÂtimes emoÂtions can’t lead you astray. They can, but so can reason.”
To see if patience could be cultivated through emotions, the team studied gratitude.
Here’s how the researchers tested gratitude and patience, from Northeastern:
To test whether gratÂiÂtude really does improve our patience, specifÂiÂcally in the conÂtext of finanÂcial rewards, his team conÂducted a simple experÂiÂment. They evenly assigned 75 people to one of three conÂdiÂtions. One group had to recall an event that made them feel grateful. The second thought of an event that made them happy. And the final group conÂsidÂered the events of a typÂical day. Each wrote about the memory for five minutes.
Next the parÂticÂiÂpants answered survey quesÂtions designed to help DeSteno’s team deterÂmine what emoÂtion they were actuÂally expeÂriÂencing in the moment of the test. As expected, the people who recalled an expeÂriÂence of gratÂiÂtude were feeling more grateful than the rest and those who recalled a happy moment felt happier.
Finally, the parÂticÂiÂpants were asked to make 27 sepÂaÂrate choices about receiving a sum of money now or a larger sum in the future. And just as DeSteno and his team susÂpected, the group that felt grateful during the experÂiÂment required a larger amount of immeÂdiate cash than their peers to conÂvince them to forego the larger future value.
DeSteno’s team believes this is the first study to show how culÂtiÂvating an emoÂtion can actuÂally lead to more patience.
DeSteno says:
If people get in a daily pracÂtice of doing a gratÂiÂtude diary, it should butÂtress their patience or impulse conÂtrol during the day. Or when you’re faced with a chalÂlenging tempÂtaÂtion in the moment, rather than solely trying to exert willpower, simply stopÂping and thinking of someÂthing you’re grateful for should enhance your ability to make a wiser decision.