Mindful Women Meditate Together

Join us Thursday, August 8th for a free online meditation.

Come sit with us!
Thursday, August 8th at 3 p.m. ET we’re hosting a free online meditation event.

Mindful.org is bringing together mindful women leaders from across the country for an online meditation event that will be guided by mindfulness pioneer Mirabai Bush.

Deepen your practice, connect with Mindful women, and experience the power of collective mindfulness.

Led by Mirabai, we will sit in mindful silence, gratitude, and compassionate acknowledgment for all the women who have come before us, for those who stand in their power with clarity and wisdom, for those who struggle for agency over their lives, and for all of the daughters who will lead us into the future.

After our collective meditation, each leader will share a “check-in” reflecting on how her mindfulness practice is informing her life right now.

Along with the event, you’ll be invited to join a private Facebook group to connect, meditate, share, and cross-pollinate. In this way, we hope to develop a knowledge-share space that might inform even more women about how they can connect and engage mindfully together.

Sign up and join us for this free online meditation experience!

Discover the power of collective mindfulness!

Mindful Women Meditating Together

Amishi Jha

Neuroscientist and Professor, University of Miami

Amy Spies

Professional Writer/Teacher – Founder/Teacher of Mindful Writing Programs for DiverseGroups and Individuals Globally

Angela Rose Black

Founder, Mindfulness for the People and Mindfulness for the People ACADEMY

Brenda Salgado

Mindfulness Author, Speaker, Indigenous Healer, and founder of Moons Rising Circle and Nepantla Consulting

Cara Bradley

Body-mind teacher, speaker and author

Carla Goldstein

President of Omega Institute and cofounder of the Omega Women’s Leadership Center

Cheryl Jones

Founder & CEO of The Mindful Path

Cheryl Woods Giscombe

Assistant professor in the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Dominique Malebranche

Assistant Professor in the Division of Counseling and Psychology at Lesley University and Cross-Cultural and Trauma-Informed Consultant

Elaine Smookler

Faculty at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies and columnist for Mindful Magazine

Elissa Epel

Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the University of California, San Francisco

Ghylian Bell

Founder and director of the Urban Yoga Foundation

Gina LaRoche

Co-founder of Seven Stones Leadership Group

Golbie Kamarei

Founder of the BlackRock Meditation Program & Chief People Officer of Culture Amp

Helen Weng

Clinical psychologist and neuroscientist

Holly Rogers

Psychiatrist and mindfulness teacher at Duke University’s student counseling center

Jackie Johnson

Leadership coach and mindfulness instructor

Janice Marturano

Founder and Executive Director, Institute for Mindful Leadership

Janna Bilski

Investments Division and Meditation Teacher at the Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice

Jenee Johnson

Program Innovation Leader: Mindfulness, Trauma, and Racial Equity at the San Francisco Department of Public Health

Jennifer Cohen

Co-founder of Seven Stones Leadership Group

Jessica Morey

Executive Director, lead teacher and cofounder of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education

Kristin Neff

Associate Professor UT Austin

Leslie Booker

Co-founder of the Yoga Service Council at Omega Institute

Meena Srinivasan

Educational leader, writer and innovator

Michelle Maldonado

Michelle Maldonado, Founder & CEO of Lucenscia, a human potential and mindful business transformation firm

Mirabai Bush

Author, activist, and co-founder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

Moira Garvey

Mindfulness teacher, leadership and organizational consultant

Nancy Bardacke

Midwife, mindfulness teacher, and the founding director of the Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) Program

Ni-Cheng Liang

Pulmonologist, Director of Pulmonary Integrative Medicine and Mindfulness Teacher

Pat Rockman

Founder and the Director of Education and Clinical Services at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies and the developer of the MBCT Facilitation Certificate Program

Pilar Gerasimo

Journalist, social explorer, podcaster, and creator of Experience Life magazine

Rhonda Magee

Lawyer and professor of mindfulness-based stress reduction interventions for lawyers, law students, and for minimizing social-identity-based bias

Rose Pavlov

Founder & CEO of Ivy Child International

Sebene Selassie

Brooklyn-based meditation teacher & writer

Shelly Tygielski

Mindfulness teacher and creator of “America Meditates,” a grass-roots organization bringing 90-minute workshops to cities across America

Sona Dimidjian

Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder

Susan Kaiser Greenland

Internationally recognized leader in teaching mindfulness and meditation to children, teens, parents, and professionals

Suzanne Jewel

Mindful Entrepreneur and host of Mindful Mornings Miami

Tami Simon

Founder and CEO of Sounds True

Tara Healey

Program Director of Mind The Moment at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Yasemin Isler

Teacher, advisor, coach and mentor for mindfulness in all aspects of life

Zeenat Potia

Mindfulness teacher and communications strategist

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Female Meditation Teachers

12 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement 

There’s a balancing of gender power happening across the professional world—including the mindfulness world. Twelve leaders in the field share how they claim their power and bring the diversity of their experiences in the mindfulness movement to bear in their work. Read More 

  • Stephanie Domet
  • January 15, 2019


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About the author

Heather Hurlock

Heather Hurlock is the former Editor-in-Chief of Mindful magazine and mindful.org. She's a long-time editor, writer, musician, and meditator with deep roots in service journalism. She is now the Founder of The Art of Being Present.