New Software to Buddy Up With

A new version of Stillness Buddy, a desktop application that brings mindfulness practice into the workplace, is now available. 

Offering practical exercises, quotes and meditations by the Dalai Lama, the application was created to help people feel less stressed and be more relaxed and at peace while they work at their computers. At regular intervals throughout the day (adjustable), the application encourages the listener to take very short pauses and follow some simple exercises. According to  Hector Bolanos, creator of Stillness Buddy, “It's like having a friend beside you who gently reminds you throughout the day to take a moment to pause, take a few deep breaths, center yourself and then continue.” Stillness Buddy is made up of teachings on compassion and happiness, developing a sense of contentment, and reflecting on the true nature of existence and the futility of negative emotions, among others. The previous version of the application is advertised to have been used by thousands of people in more than 75 countries.



Stillness Buddy