TODAY Moms features SEL school programs

TODAY Moms just published an article about a variety of new "social and emotional learning" (SEL) school programs, including Goldie Hawn's MindUP.

These types of programs are gaining in popularity, according to the article:

The new programs—variously called social and emotional learning, internal education, or mindful attention—have been gaining traction over the past couple of decades as a way to help with rampant issues like bullying and absenteeism. These days, they are in place in thousands of schools across the country and the trend seems to be growing. 

The article also quotes Ohio Congressman and A Mindful Nation author Tim Ryan about this learning concept. SEL programs are expanding to schools in his district.

“I don’t care how much money we spend on education, it doesn’t matter what programs we’re trying to teach our kids…if they don’t have the fundamental building block of learning, which is being able to control your attention span, all the rest is not going to be effective." 

To read "Goldie Hawn helps kids get zen—and smart," click here.

For more about mindfulness and education on, click here. For our continuing coverage of MindUP, click here.

[Image: From "The Hawn Foundation – The MindUP Program" YouTube video]
