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building mindful brands

Building Mindful Brands 

Matthew Stinchcomb, vice president of values and impact at, talks about why mindfulness is a key element to the business. Read More 

  • Mindful Staff
  • May 30, 2015
Wisdom 2 0 business logo.

Registration open for Wisdom 2.0 Business 

Wisdom 2.0 Business, taking place in San Francisco on May 11-12, will explore the question: How do we develop business cultures that support innovation, wellness and the creative mindset? Read More 

  • Line Goguen-Hughes
  • January 26, 2012

Meditators make more rational, less emotional business decisions 

Imagine that you and a stranger are participating in a psychology study. The experimenter gives the stranger $20. “Divide this money between you and your partner,” the experimenter tells the stranger. “You can keep any amount for yourself, and give any amount to your partner. But your partner gets to… Read More 

  • Kelly McGonigal
  • November 15, 2011

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