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Lean Into Love—Frank Ostaseski stands holding an umbrella in front of a mural that reads,

Lean In to Love 

In this interview with Barry Boyce, beloved teacher Frank Ostaseski shares how his years of mindfulness supported him after a series of strokes transformed his life. Read More 

  • Frank Ostaseski and Barry Boyce
  • December 21, 2021
Liberating Masculinity With Edward M. Adams and Ed Frauenheim—Illustration of a middle-aged white man and a Black boy sitting on a carpet reading a book.

Liberating Masculinity With Edward M. Adams and Ed Frauenheim 

How mindfulness helps to cultivate self-awareness, courage, and vulnerability that can help men live more full, connected lives. The authors of Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection join Mindful senior editor Amber Tucker in conversation. Read More 

  • Mindful Staff
  • September 9, 2021
Barry Boyce on Bridging our Differences—Illustration of five people holding hands with their arms in the air and facing away from the viewer. They are wearing yellow, blue, and pink colors, and in the background is blue and pink abstract art with some plants over a white background.

Barry Boyce on Bridging our Differences 

Founding editor Barry Boyce talks with managing editor Stephanie Domet about how and why we sort ourselves into groups. How mindful awareness can help us navigate the habits and patterns that arise in our in-groups, the refreshing value of encountering other perspectives, and the beauty of encouragement. Read More 

  • Mindful Staff
  • August 26, 2021

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