Amanda Palmer, former Dresden Dolls member and more recently a solo artist, spoke to The Quietus about her meditation practice and mindfulness.
Palmer came across meditation in her twenties after a friend suggested she go to a two-day silent meditation retreat:
I can’t say: “Oh my god, it blew my mind, my life was changed forever!” But it created a subtle enough shift to sit and walk and meditate for two full days for me to realise that this was a really important practice, because a lot of little realisations of how I was being mindless in my everyday life came to light.
Amanda Palmer also talks about her former employment as a stripper. She wasn’t just stripping, she says, but mindfully stripping. “I went in there thinking, ‘I can do this because I am a feminist and I can do this job compassionately.’”
To read the whole interview, click here.