“Healing a Soldier’s Heart”

Meet Frank, Raymond, Tammy, Donald and Charles in this documentary about a pilot program at the Seattle VA that teaches meditation to veterans dealing with PTSD. 

The documentary, Community Stories: Healing a Soldier's Heart, by Lisa Hardmeyer, recently aired on the Seattle Channel

From the introduction:

In 2009, Dr. David Kearney and psychologist Tracy Simpson of the Seattle division of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System proposed that teaching a method to develop compassion for oneself and others could help veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In 2010 they launched a 12-week pilot program called Loving-Kindness Meditation. This type of clinical intervention for PTSD had never been done before.

Three groups of veterans volunteered for the program. This story follows five veterans from one of those groups.

Click here to watch the video (29:34).


Photo © flickr.com/The U.S. Army