How Do You Spark Your Sense of Wonder?

Mindful readers share what sparks curiosity and awe.

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What sparks wonder for you?

My kids.
—@theonlyportia72 (Instagram)

The night sky. Always. The dark, inky, borderless sky. All those stars. How you can’t see it all at once, can’t take it all in at once. Looking up at the night sky requires pausing and breathing deeply—and lying down so you can look as long as you want without hurting your neck (mindfully pragmatic).
—@jewellofawriter (Instagram)

The magical relationship I have with my sister. Recovery from anorexia—deciding to live outside the cage.
Jo L.

Observing children play and learn new skills. Also any creative movement.
—@vbutler733 (Instagram)

I’ve been really wanting to get back to my Polish roots and learn more about healthy Polish cooking. I’m working on a couple of cookbooks and would like to fuse millennial taste with non-traditional Polish food.
@kissmywellness (Instagram)

—@terparluv (Instagram)

Nature intrigues me to no end. I’m blessed to live in such a beautiful world.
Kristi B.

How do you feel when something is new or unfamiliar?

Excited: 22%

Curious: 47%

Uncomfortable: 39%

In your mindfulness practice, what sparks your curiosity?

Personally, with challenging health ailments, I focus internally on relaxing each area.
—@KerstinWilkey (Twitter)

Noticing the felt experiences in my body along with the running narrative in my mind. And considering which one feels more regulating for my nervous system in those mindful moments.
—@dannette_adams (Twitter)

Watching my thoughts come and go. Some linger, some are fleeting, some random, some not so random.
—@MDCamp2 (Twitter)

The feeling of learning something new and the feeling of helping someone learn some-
thing new!
—@UpasnaGautam (Twitter) stays open to learning and reflects on the ways that growth comes from acknowledging that we don’t know everything. reminds us
that when we take care of
our heart, we can make reminds us that when we take care of our heart, we can make healthier decisions.
@tinycampsedona looks forward to new adventures. They write, “When nothing is certain, everything is possible.”

Next Question…

What does self-compassion mean to you?

Send an email to [email protected] and let us know your answer to this question. Your response could appear on these pages.

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