The conference, subtitled "Exploring Living with Awareness, Wisdom, and Compassion in the Technology Age" will take place from February 23 – 26, and registration is now open. Click here for details and to register.
This year’s conference boasts more than 25 presenters, including such tech leaders such as: Dustin Muskovitz, co-founder, Facebook and Asana; Padmasree Warrior, Chief Technology Officer, Cisco Systems; Karen May, Vice President, Google; and Premal Shah, co-founder of Paypal and president of
They will share the stage with mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn; Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield; yoga activist, Seane Corn; and for the first time, Eckhart Tolle, whom Oprah Winfrey calls “the father of the now.” is a proud sponsor of Wisdom 2.0, along with Google, Being Human 2012, Axialent, and Community. We hope we'll see you there.