Meditation flash mobs: are they more than just a fad? (Mindful blogger Ed Halliwell says no, urging us to “Go Forth and Flashmob.”) Of course, none of the participants in a “med mob” are moving, but this new — and certainly fad-inspired — activity seems more meaningful than, say, planking, doesn’t it? After all, here are the reasons meditation flash mobbing as given by the people behind today’s med mob in Los Angeles:
1. To expose the world to meditation through public display of meditation.
2. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.
3. To come together as a Global Community to create and expand positive intention out into the world.
Positive intention, indeed!
Click here for details and do leave a comment if you participated or if you want to share what you think of med mobs.